Monday, October 26, 2015

Fading painfully

This could be the hardest thing anyone can face.

Seeing your superhero crumble, watching your ultimate role model fade..
You always knew it's coming, and you have always ignored it, and it's not because you're weak.
It is definitely the hardest thing.. It's impossible to accept.

Until it starts..
You are denying.. Until it's worse and you can't deny it anymore..

The strongest person you know! The source of every power you have is now weak and getting weaker every day.

And it hurts to another depth, it grabs your weakest emotions and it will never let go! You will not scream or fall you will look your strongest and you will endure it silently hoping it will pass and knowing it's coming back..

My superheroes are losing their magic and now it's my turn to give them the power.. I've seen it coming but I'm not ready and I will never be.

Now it is MY TURN and I will do it no matter how painful or how hard it is.
I will do it. Not only because I'm supposed to, but because this is the chance I can prove how strong and how powerful I am.
And no matter how much it hurts I will try and give back.

S.Me thinking..